After three month of hot summer, it is time for something that will cool the atmosphere a little. Yes, it is time for autumn, the season when the leaves become yellow and orange, when rains cover territories and when the gardens give their last delicacies. But you know, you leave what is best for the last part. The last harvest of fruits and vegetables is coming and people should take advantage and savor the flavors of each piece.


Autumn brings on people’s tables the following fruits: apples, pears, grapes, plums, pomegranates and quinces. These fruits are excellent desserts that can very well replace all the sweets from a store. Also, they make excellent jams, a great dessert for winter as well. Nevertheless, the quantity is important in making a difference between a healthy dessert and a sugar bomb. You should eat wisely; 2 apples/day, for example.


When it comes to vegetables, people can choose between potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbages, turnips, carrots, celery, pepper and red pepper. These are great eaten raw or cooked. People can use them to make soups, which will provide them many vitamins.

Due to the fact that this is the last season when people can eat fresh fruits and vegetables, they should eat as many as possible. Whether we are talking about raw or cooked, they are very important in the daily diet of a person. In addition, people can make jam and pickles, which they can enjoy during the winter. Thus, take advantage of the last pieces of sweet freshness.

Autumn: What You Should Eat
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