Have you ever wondered what light bulbs save the most energy?

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Changing the light bulbs in your home is a task you do from time to time.

It all seems really simple. You buy a new light bulb, replace the old one and you have light again.

Let me ask you two big questions. What type of light bulb have you bought? What happened to the old used one?

The answers to these questions can tell you a lot about the environmental impact of your actions and decisions.

Light bulbs, particularly traditional ones, contribute to greenhouse emissions and, thus, to climate change and global warming.

Nowadays, there are different types of light bulbs to choose from. Some of them are designed to be energy-efficient and, this way, to protect the environment.

Incandescent light bulbs: what dangers do they pose?

Incandescent light bulbs are electric lights that use a wire filament which is heated, reaching a very high temperature and glowing with visible light.

They are those classic light bulbs which you can easily find in many stores at low prices.

The problem with these light globes is related to their efficiency and their costs.

Incandescent light bulbs last around 1200 hours. Just so you have a more clear idea of how small this number is, during the usage of one LED, you will replace around 20 incandescent bulbs.

They do not last very long and you will continuously have to buy new bulbs. You may even want to have a spare one, just to make sure you will not have to stay in the dark if the bulb breaks off.

What’s more, 95% (or even more) of the power used by an incandescent light bulb is converted to heat, rather than visible light. Just in case you didn’t know what your electricity bill consists of.

Moving on to the costs, incandescent light bulbs are not expensive, as compared to other light globes. This shows why people tend to continue to buy them.

But what do you prefer: pay little money more often or pay a larger amount one time? You may not sense it, but you are spending more money on these light bulbs, although they seem really cheap.

Incandescent light bulbs greatly contribute to greenhouse emissions. Replacing them with other alternatives will have a huge impact on the environment, by fighting climate changes and global warming.

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What light bulbs save the most energy?

You’ve seen that incandescent light bulbs are not part of the category of what light bulbs save the most energy.

Fortunately, there are different energy and cost-efficient alternatives you can choose from.

LED bulbs

LED bulbs are probably the most eco-friendly option. When speaking of energy efficiency, they are at the top of the list.

A LED bulb lasts more than 25000 hours and can consume up to 80% less energy than other lighting systems.

Just think of this. You buy a LED which can last for more than a year. You may spend some money for its purchase, but you won’t have to worry about light bulbs for a long period of time.

Also, its long-lasting capacity can reduce the need for producing, transporting and storing other light bulbs.

Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL)

Compact fluorescent lamps occupy the second place in terms of efficiency, as they can last around 8000 hours.

This is much lower than a LED, but better than an incandescent light bulb. They can consume up to 75% less energy than an incandescent globe.

The problem with them is related to their eco-friendliness. CFLs can contain mercury, a dangerous chemical for the environment and our health.

The bright side, in this case, is that recycling mercury-containing light bulbs has changed. CFLs have been on the market for a while and there is a need to adapt to this fact.

Halogen lamps

Halogen lamps can use up to 30% less energy, as compared to incandescent light bulbs.

Although they are not as efficient and long lasting as the other two options, they are a smart and eco-friendly choice if we compare them to traditional lighting.

NOTE: It’s not enough to buy products from the what light bulbs save the most energy category. All of them need to be disposed of correctly (recycled).

Tips to save even more energy

Besides switching to the best energy saving light bulbs for home, there are other ways to save energy and maybe reduce your energy bills.

Here are a few tips to help you in this direction.

Do you usually leave lights on, even when you are not in the room? This can cost you when the bill comes.

Plus, you are basically wasting energy that you don’t actually need. Try and pay attention when a light is on for no reason and simply switch it off.

Standby gadgets such as your TV or your phone charger are still consuming energy, even when you are not using them.

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If you happen to leave your charger plugged when your phone is not, it will still continue to consume energy.

A standby power controller can be a great help for this problem.

How you use your electronics can also have an impact on your energy consumption. Think of your fridge or washing machine.

If you have clothes which can be washed with cold water, choose this option. You may not know it, but it can save you more than $100 per year on energy bills.

Energy-saving light bulbs products

What Light Bulbs Save The Most Energy?