Did you ever think that your rug can hide all kinds of possible allergens?

Whether it’s because of the material they are made of or the allergens that are trapped in them, they can cause nasty reactions.

Hypoallergenic Rugs Products


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There are certain products that can be really helpful if you or other family members have allergy problems.

Hypoallergenic rugs can be a great option for those who suffer from allergy reactions. They are made of materials that are less likely to cause allergies and side effects.

Although they do not guarantee they will completely eliminate the risk of having an allergic reaction, hypoallergenic products can diminish the chances. When you are surrounded by many allergens, eliminating a risk can be a beneficial thing to do.

It’s similar as in the case of hypoallergenic bath bombs.

Going for hypoallergenic rugs can have some great benefits for your health and your home.

Hypoallergenic rugs benefits

They are made of hypoallergenic materials

Some materials that are used to manufacture rugs and carpets can cause allergies. I’m not referring here to materials that you know you are allergic to.

Hypoallergenic rugs are made using materials that are less likely to cause allergic reactions. Think of natural fibers and possibly some synthetic ones that will not irritate your nose, throat, and eyes.

If you’re not sure what material to pick, you may want to find out which one suits your needs best.

First of all, you may want to do some allergy tests and see if you’re allergic to specifically one material. This can help you narrow down the search.

Asking your doctor for advice is also a useful thing.

Make sure you look for products that are marked as hypoallergenic and you read the product description to be aware of all the details.

Emit low to no VOCs

Glues and adhesives are often used in the production of rugs. They help put different pieces together and keep them in place.

The problem with these substances is they emit VOCs (volatile organic compounds). These are gases that are emitted by glues and adhesives.

VOCs have been linked to different health issues including allergic reactions, respiratory problems, coughing, and other.

The levels of VOCs tend to be higher indoors than outdoors. This happens because of the several products that are found inside houses and that emit VOCs. Such places require great ventilation in order to eliminate these chemicals from the air.

Plus, products emit VOCs for different periods of time. Some may do it for a few days, others may emit gases for months.

Hypoallergenic rugs usually have low levels of VOCs or may lack them completely. This varies from one product to another, so checking it thoroughly is a mandatory thing.

Low VOC products can be healthier for you and your dear ones. Adults may be more resistant to such factors, but children may be more affected by them. Add the constant exposure and you understand why it’s better to avoid them.

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Come in different shapes, sizes, and patterns

If you were thinking that hypoallergenic rugs are not a wide product category, well you may want to reconsider this.

Hypoallergenic rugs come in different shapes and sizes. You can find the perfect one for the living room, bedroom, and even for the bathroom.

Colors and patterns also vary, so you don’t have to worry about searching through every store for the rug that fits your interior design.

You just have to be patient, take a good look at all of your options, and pick the right one that comes your way.

How carpets and rugs contribute to allergies

Carpets and rugs are included in the list of objects that can cause allergic reactions.

The question is why and how they contribute to allergies? The answer stands in three aspects related to this product: the material, VOCs, and allergens that get trapped in the rug.

I’ve briefly discussed the first two, but now it’s time to add more details to the discussion.

The material can cause allergic reactions

Textile materials are known to cause different allergic reactions.

Having breathing problems, rashes, and irritations are just a few examples of reactions people experience.

If you know that you are allergic to a specific material, then things are very simple. You just have to avoid that one material (or set of materials) and you are safe to go.

Problems start when you don’t know what’s causing the allergies. You may need to take a few tests and see if it’s related to the rug or not.

If you start experiencing allergies all of a sudden, think of what you have recently done different. Maybe you’ve bought a new product, started using a new beauty item, or did a change that can be related to your reaction.

When you start dealing with such problems, it’s very important you visit your doctor. A specialist can help you determine what’s wrong.

If you’re interested in this topic, you may also want to check out best feminine wash for pH balance.

VOCs have been linked to respiratory allergies

Volatile organic compounds become a problem when we inhale them.

These gases have been linked to both short-term and long-term health problems. The short-term side effects include:

  • irritations of the nose and throat
  • dizziness
  • headaches
  • nausea
  • fatigue
  • watery eyes

These are a few rather common symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Long-term health problems are represented by:

  • respiratory problems
  • problems with the internal systems
  • problems with the nervous system

These more serious health problems depend on the number of allergens one is exposed to, the period of time this happens, the strength of the body and the immune system.

In small quantities, they may not cause major health problems. Again, this depends on the person that is exposed to these chemicals and how their body reacts.

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These gases are emitted by different products such as:

  • paints
  • flooring types that contain glues and adhesives
  • aerosol sprays
  • pesticides
  • cleansers
  • disinfectants

Allergens inside the home can be hidden in rugs

Allergens can be trapped inside the fibers of rugs and carpets. Think of mold, pollen, dust, and dirt.

These allergens enter your home in different ways. They enter when you open the windows and doors, when you walk inside the room with an outdoor pair of shoes, or they are all around the air.

Carpets and rugs can represent the perfect environment for allergens and other types of bacteria to thrive and develop. Just compare them to hardwood floors.

The fibers of these products become some sort of a protection for these small entities. On a hardwood floor, they are exposed to risks and chances to survive are lower.

Allergens may not be such a big concern for adults (only if they react in a bad way to them), but they may represent a greater risk for small young children.

Adults are taller, so allergens don’t reach their nose and eyes so easily.

When looking at a small child who crawls or likes to play on the ground, things change. He is physically closer to these allergens and may develop health problems.

When they are small, their immune system is continuously developing. It may not be strong enough to fight these allergens and bacteria.

What’s more, when speaking of allergies, it’s essential you know that they can be developed in time.

Some people are born with them, but they can also develop allergies in time due to several reasons. Constant exposure to allergens may contribute to such an outcome, but again, it depends on the person, the body, and other factors.

If you’re interested in hypoallergenic rugs, you may also want to take a look at BPA-free coffee maker.

How to keep allergens away from your home

Allergens are present almost everywhere, but there are ways to keep them away from your home.

Besides using hypoallergenic products such as hypoallergenic rugs, here are 5 tips to help you reduce and even eliminate allergens from your home.

Use a hypoallergenic vacuum cleaner

Hypoallergenic vacuum cleaners are a type of household product that functions differently from conventional ones.

These electronics are equipped with HEPA filters and trap more dust particles than normal filters.

HEPA stands for a high-efficiency particle arrestor type of filter.

Let me explain to you how these two products work.

Conventional vacuum cleaners absorb dust and other particles, trap the big ones in vacuum bags, while the fine particles are too small to be caught. They usually end up back in the air.

Hypoallergenic vacuum cleaners use HEPA filters which manage to trap even the small fine particles. In fact, it retains at least 99.97% of these particles.

Hypoallergenic vacuum cleaners manage to do the cleaning part and help you remove possible allergens at the same time.

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Change air filters regularly

Cleaning and changing your air filters regularly is a measure that helps you keep your air clean.

Air filters are the place where bacteria tend to accumulate. Taking care of them can help you prevent this from happening.

Just follow the instructions your manufacturer has given. You can also ask for specialized help.

Some air cooling and heating systems also use HEPA filters. You may want to look a bit into these and see what it means to have such a system in your home.

Chemical-free cleaners will not let you down

The chemicals that are added to different cleaning products can also represent sources of allergens.

You are exposed to them when you use the product and after, because the chemicals remain in the air.

Some of these ingredients have been linked to skin irritations, watery eyes, unpleasant sensations in the throat, coughing, sneezing, and other allergic symptoms.

How much you use them, how often, and how they come in contact with your body influences your reaction.

A few examples of such products are laundry detergents, dish soaps, all-purpose cleaners, window cleaners.

When you use the products, you are directly exposed to these chemicals.

After you’ve used the products, the chemicals remain in the air and the surface of products. Even if you rinse it with water, there are chances for these chemicals to still be present.

Going for chemical-free cleaning products can be a healthier alternative. It may lower the chances of you having an allergic reaction.

Try and keep your pets out of the bedroom

Pets themselves are an allergen. Their hair represents an allergic factor for many people.

They can also carry other allergens with them in their fur and the dander they shed.

If pets are like family to you, you don’t have to worry about giving them up. You may just want to have more strict rules about where they can go in the house.

Try and keep them away from your bedroom. That is the room where you sleep and you surely want it to be free of allergens.

If you’re interested in this topic, check out enzymatic cleaner for dog urine.

Go for cotton for different home products

Cotton is a natural fiber material that is great for clothing, curtains, and other household products.

Synthetic materials can also be a good option, but you may want to have a more natural material, especially when thinking of clothes.

Cotton allows the skin to breathe, not making you all sweaty and feeling heated up. Synthetic materials are not that good when it comes to this and may cause problems with this aspect.

Hypoallergenic rugs products

Hypoallergenic Rugs – Reduce Allergic Factors In Your Home