What’s the best way to remove unwanted hair? Some may say razors, others may prefer an appointment to a beauty salon. I would definitely go for a hair removal cream without chemicals

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This type of product comes with a great set of benefits. It’s easy to use, offers quick results and is painless.

If you’re not a fan of waxing, hair removal creams are an excellent alternative.

But what’s the big deal with the no chemical part? It’s quite a big issue. Some creams contain harsh chemicals which can cause skin irritations and painful rashes.

It’s crucial to pay attention when choosing your depilatory product to avoid such unpleasant situations. This is why you need to read closer about the product you are thinking to buy.

You may think you are not an expert in chemicals, so it may be hard to differentiate the bad ingredients from the good ones.

Don’t worry, we’ve done the hard job for you! We’ve prepared a list of harsh chemicals used in hair removal creams. Let’s take a look.

Harsh chemical used in hair removal creams

Chemicals play a big role in hair removal creams. They are the ones that offer you the results you are looking so much for. Here are a few examples of chemicals found in many products.

Active ingredients

The active ingredients are the ones which break down and weaken the hair, so that it easily comes off.

Some products may use, as active ingredients:

  • calcium thioglycolate
  • potassium thioglycolate
  • barium sulfide
  • strontium sulfide

The first two are more common than the last two. Barium and strontium sulfide are stronger than thionglycolates, but this means they can also lead to skin irritations.

Sodium and calcium hydroxide

Sodium and calcium hydroxide are used to adjust pH levels. Calcium acts more gently with the skin, while sodium is known to being stronger. It may cause certain irritations.

Each ingredient can react differently from one skin to another. This is why it’s so important to do a test on a small part of your skin before applying on the big area.

In 24 hours, you can have an idea if the product is good for you or not.


Parabens are used in most beauty products, as they are responsible for ensuring a long shelf life for these items.

What’s wrong with them is they can cause health problems, from skin irritations to endocrine disruptions and reproductive problems.

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Products containing parabens should definitely be avoided. Healthier alternatives such as chemical free makeup are great ways of taking care of your body.


Although most hair removal creams have an unpleasant smell, there are products which smell really nice. This may be due to the fragrances used in their composition.

Fragrances or phthalates have been linked to endocrine disruptions and can mimic human hormones.

Hair removal cream without chemicals benefits

Going for hair removal creams without chemicals can have some amazing benefits for you. Depending on the product, you may need to use a razor or just a sponge to remove the hair and the cream.

No harsh chemicals

This type of products does not contain any harsh chemicals. They protect your skin from unpleasant painful rashes and your health from long-term problems.

But you know what they say, you cannot be too careful with your health! This is why I advise you to check the product closely before buying it. The ingredients list, product descriptions, and customer reviews are your go-to options.

Environmentally sustainable

Natural and organic ingredients instead of harsh chemicals are a good sign for the environment as well.

After the cream is washed down the drain, it will most likely reach some waters. Because it does not contain strong chemicals, it may not affect the wildlife living in those waters.

Non-toxic hair removal ‘cream’ homemade recipe

If you’re more of a do-it-yourself person, you can make your hair removal cream at home. All you need is a few basic ingredients which you can find in your kitchen or at the closest supermarket.

You will mix:

  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/2 tablespoon of cornflour

Combine these ingredients until you obtain a paste. Apply it on the skin areas you want and let it dry. After, you just peel it off and the hair should come off.

Create as much paste as you need.

You may have to use it a couple times a week, as these are homemade products. They may not be as strong as the items you find at the store.

Hair removal cream without chemicals products

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