Have you tried using a depilatory cream for facial hair?

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Waxing or picking the hairs using a pair of tweezers are more common ways of removing facial hair.

Compared to these two methods, a depilatory cream is a less painful procedure. It takes you less time and offers you great results.

The problem with depilatory creams for facial hair is that they usually contain chemicals which can have different side effects.

Depending on how sensitive your skin is or if you’re allergic to certain ingredients, these side effects can differ from one person to another.

For you to have a better idea of what these chemicals can do, let me tell you a few things about them.

Chemicals found in a depilatory cream for facial hair

Here are a few examples of some common chemicals found in depilatory creams for facial hair.

Harsh active ingredients

Active ingredients are responsible for weakening and breaking down the hair. This is how it easily comes off when using a damp cloth or a sponge.

Depilatory creams usually use as active ingredients:

  • calcium thioglycolate
  • potassium thioglycolate
  • barium sulfide
  • strontium sulfide

Barium and strontium sulfide are some of the first active ingredients used in depilatory creams in the first half of the 20th century. They are still used, but because they are really strong, they are known to cause skin irritations.

Calcium and potassium thioglycolate are the milder option for active ingredients.

If you have problems with such skin reactions, learn more about skin irritation from hair removal cream.

Sodium and calcium hydroxide

Sodium and calcium hydroxide are ingredients which adjust the pH level of your skin.

Sodium is a stronger chemical, while calcium acts more gently on the skin.

Make sure you check the ingredients list to see what type of hydroxide the product contains.


Parabens are used as preservatives in beauty products such as a depilatory cream for facial hair.

Here are a few examples of parabens:

  • butylparaben
  • isobutylparaben
  • isopropylparaben
  • methylparaben
  • propylparaben

Parabens have been linked to skin irritations, endocrine disruptions, and reproductive problems.

In some countries, parabens have been banned and cannot be used in beauty products.


Fragrances are the chemicals responsible for giving a nice smell to a depilatory cream for facial hair.

There are products which have a really unpleasant smell, but there are others which are more bearable.

The problem with fragrances is they can mimic human hormones and cause endocrine disruptions.

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Non-toxic depilatory cream for facial hair benefits

With all these chemicals and their unpleasant side effects, it can be hard to choose a depilatory cream for facial hair.

This is true when speaking of conventional products, but there is a safer and healthier alternative for your skin.

Non-toxic depilatory creams for facial hair are a great product you can try. Non-toxic products such as best non-toxic hand soap are excellent for taking care of your skin.

Let me tell you a few things about them and their benefits.

They do not contain harsh chemicals

A non-toxic depilatory cream for facial usually does not contain harsh or any chemicals at all.

They are made using natural or organic ingredients, which are a better option for your skin.

This does not mean you may not experience irritations and allergies.

Every skin type reacts differently to these products. It’s crucial for you to test the depilatory cream on a small portion (maybe not directly on the face) and see how your skin reacts in 24 hours.

They take care of the unwanted facial hair

Non-toxic and chemical-free depilatory creams for facial hair do a great job in removing the unwanted hair.

They do not need to use harsh chemicals to take care of the facial hair.

Facial hair removal masks

Besides using a depilatory cream for facial hair, you have other options for removing the unwanted hair.

Homemade face masks are a great choice, as they are easy to do and can bring you great results.

What you need to keep in mind is they may not be as strong as a depilatory cream for facial hair. You may have to use them a couple of times a week.

For such a mask, all you need is:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal

Mix all the ingredients until you obtain a paste. Put it on the areas you want and let it sit for 15 minutes. Remove the paste and moisturize your skin with oil (coconut, olive).

Other combinations of such masks are:

  • coffee and baking soda
  • egg and cornflour
  • turmeric and chickpea flour

If you’re interested in such masks, check out how to reduce pimples naturally.

Depilatory cream for facial hair products

Depilatory Cream For Facial Hair – Remove The Unwanted Hair Healthily