Have you ever tried chlorine-free pads?

Maybe this is the first time you wonder if your pads have chlorine in them. Maybe not.

Certain pads may be made using chemicals such as chlorine. While this can guarantee the products have certain characteristics (e.g. color), it may not be the best option for your health.

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Some chemicals have been linked to irritations and allergic reactions.

Alternatives such as chlorine-free pads can be a great option for you. Depending on the product you are using, these pads may lack one or more chemicals.

Using them can bring you some great benefits.

Benefits of using chlorine-free pads

No dangerous chemicals in them

When speaking of chlorine-free pads, we refer to a product which contains fewer chemicals.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, it depends on the product you’re using.

Some products may not use chlorine during the production process. Others may lack other ingredients such as fragrances or may be made entirely of cotton.

They can fit in the chemical-free category, just like chemical-free makeup.

The main idea is they may be a healthier option for you during that period of the month. Fewer chemicals mean you may be less exposed to potential unpleasant reactions.

What you need to pay attention to is the product description and ingredients used to produce the pads. They should tell you if the product contains any harsh chemicals.

If you don’t find it written directly on the package, look on the company’s website or FAQ page. Producers usually have a section dedicated to this topic.

Can do a great job

Although chemical-free pads are made using little to no chemicals, this does not mean they can’t do a great job.

These pads can absorb liquid and be comfortable to wear.

If you’ve never bought such a product and fear of the results you will receive, do a little research before buying these pads.

Look for online reviews and ask some friends who tried them about their genuine opinion. It can help you have a better idea of chlorine-free pads.

What chemicals are used in conventional pads

Pads have been involved in different discussions related to the dangers they may pose to women’s health.

The chemicals used in the production of these products are a big reason. Here are a few examples.


Chlorine is a chemical used to bleach the fiber used to make pads.

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It’s used in a wide variety of products, starting with toilet paper, paper towels, toilet cleaners, and even in making the salt be white. Learn more about this topic by checking out the unrefined Celtic sea salt.

Of course, how the chemical is used and the quantities of chlorine may differ from one product to another.

The problem with chlorine is that it has been linked to respiratory, birth, and fertility problems.

Some companies may use chlorine-free purification processes. This information is usually found on their website.


Conventional and chlorine-free pads are usually divided into two main categories, in terms of material:

  • cotton
  • plastic

I’ll focus on the first material later; it’s time for plastic now. 

Plastic itself contains certain dangerous chemicals such as BPA and BPS.

It’s also a hazardous material for the environment. Plastic decomposes in tens or hundreds of years, time in which it releases dangerous chemicals.


I said earlier that pads can also be made of cotton. What’s the problem with this?

When compared to plastic, cotton is a healthier and more eco-friendly option. The problem is how the cotton plant is treated before it becomes an actual material.

Pesticides may be used on the cotton and may be found in the material as residues.

Organic cotton can be another alternative. Although organic does not mean that pesticides are not being used, it offers a guarantee that only certain pesticides are used and in certain quantities.

To be sure the pads are made of 100% organic cotton, make sure they are certified. Check the product package and their website for such information.


Some pads also contain fragrances. These chemicals are used to give them a pleasant smell.

The problem with fragrances is they are endocrine disruptors. They can mimic human hormones and send wrong signals to the body.

Also, if you want to see what fragrances are used in these products, you will most likely find yourself at a dead end.

The ingredients list contain only fragrance or perfume. Companies are not obligated to say what chemicals they use and motivate their decision under the expression trade secret. 

If you’re interested in this topic, learn more about fragrance-free face moisturizer for sensitive skin.

Chlorine-free pads products

Chlorine-Free Pads – Say No To Chemicals During That Time Of The Month!