When choosing a sippy cup for your little one, what are your selection criteria?

Do you look at the colors, the drawings on the product, its size?

I would say the material it’s made of is a great priority.


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Most sippy cups, nowadays, are made of plastic. The material can contain dangerous chemicals for your child’s health. BPA is one of them.

A BPA free sippy cup can be a great alternative. These baby items do not contain this chemical, making them a safer product for your children.

It can be a safer alternative, just like BPA free canned coconut milk.

Going for a BPA free sippy cup can bring you several benefits.

BPA free sippy cup benefits

Does not contain dangerous

BPA is just one of the chemicals found in plastic products which can cause health problems.

A plastic sippy cup without BPA can be a safer and healthier alternative for your child. You can feed him without worrying about possible side effects and future health issues.

What you need to keep in mind is that BPA leaches into food and liquids when it comes into contact with heat.

If you’re feeding your child with warm milk and you don’t know if your sippy cup is BPA free, try and replace it with a glass one (at least until you check or purchase a BPA free sippy cup).

Great for feeding your child

A BPA free sippy cup is an excellent product to help you feed your baby.

It’s easy for you and your little one to use, especially if it has small handles.

Depending on the product, the sippy cup can last for a while, but keep this in mind.

Plastic sippy cups may catch certain smells and their colors may fade away. It’s a common thing among plastic products.

You may have to change it from time to time.

What do you need to know about your baby and the sippy cup?

Sippy cups are an introduction to glass drinking for the babies. This is how you should think of it.

The baby learns how to hold it and drink from it.

Here are a few tips related to your baby and the sippy cup.

(Remember this is more general advice. For medical information, ask your doctor for more details.)

When is a baby ready for the sippy cup?

As soon as they start they can pick things up and hold them in their hands, babies are usually ready for the sippy cup.

READ  Baby Bottles Without Chemicals To Protect Your Child's Development

This can happen when they are between 7 and 9 months old.

How should you introduce the sippy cup?

As babies get used to breastfeeding, it’s important that you make this transition slowly.

Go for a BPA free sippy cup with a soft spout and with a shape similar to a nipple.

Be patient with your baby. It’s a rather big change for him and he may need more time to get used to it.

You may also consider showing your baby how to use. Do a small demonstration. You are the person your baby trusts the most.

It’s the same as when you are teaching him to use a bamboo toothbrush.

What to do if the baby refuses the BPA free sippy cup?

If your baby refuses one sippy cup, this does not mean he will reject all of them. Try different models of sippy cups and see how your baby reacts.

You may also want to think about straws. Some babies prefer them.

The dangers of the BPA chemical

BPA comes from Bisphenol A, a chemical used in the production of many plastic products. In fact, you may find it in almost any plastic item.

Food containers, plastic bottles, and cans are just a few examples of polycarbonate plastics which contain BPA.

The chemical has been present in this industry since the 1960s. Since then, various studies have been done, showing BPA can be harmful to one’s health.

Among the health problems it can cause, you can find:

  • birth defects
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • increased blood pressure
  • heart diseases
  • breast and prostate cancer

BPA is also an endocrine disruptor. It can mimic human hormones, sending the wrong signals to the body.

Chemical-free products such chemical-free hair wax as are an excellent option to avoid these ingredients and take care of your health.

Regarding the studies, one of them showed that children with high BPA levels in their urine had two times more chances of becoming obese.

Another research focused on the relationship between BPA and diabetes. It was found that people with high BPA levels were at a greater risk of developing this condition.

BPA free sippy cup products

BPA Free Sippy Cup To Feed Your Baby Healthily