Did you know you pay around $2,000 per year for the energy bill?

Heating consumes the most energy, followed by electronics, cooling&heating, appliances, and lighting.

Every little thing you plug in contributes to this energy consumption and that’s not even the problem.

The real problem is that we use too much energy, which contributes to CO2 emissions. This translates into global warming and climate change.

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What’s the solution?

Look for energy efficient solutions. From choosing LEDs instead of incandescent light bulbs to looking for energy saving heating systems, everything can have a huge impact on your life and the environment.

Choosing the best energy rating washing machine is something you can start with.

This is an appliance you use every week that saves your clothes and precious time for you.

Before I go into any detail about the washing machine, it’s essential you understand what energy efficiency means.

What is energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency or efficient energy use refers to the action of using less energy to provide the same service and products. In other words, it means using resources more efficiently without diminishing the quality of services.

One of the greatest concerns people have about energy-efficient measures is related to the costs. Indeed, in the beginning, these measures are expensive and require some investment, but everything is paid back with reduced energy costs in relatively short time.

Just think of it this way. As you buy formaldehyde-free toilet paper to protect your health, you choose an energy-efficient measure to reduce bills and take care of the environment.

Although these measures are considered to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, there are some other factors to take into account.

If the energy supplied is produced using petroleum or coal, the situation changes. The production of the energy releases great masses of COs emissions. An energy-efficient measure will just treat the effects, not the cause.

How to properly choose the best energy rating washing machine

Choosing the best energy rating washing machine can be a difficult task nowadays. There are s many models on the market!

It needs to be an informed decision. It’s not like changing your old toothbrush with a new bamboo toothbrush.

Before you make any purchasing decision, it’s crucial you know a few differences between traditional and energy-efficient washing machines.

Traditional washing machines

Compared to energy efficient and high-efficiency models, traditional washers have a smaller laundry capacity. This means that if you have many clothes that need to be cleaned, you will have to divide them into several loads.

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These machines use a great amount of water and their washing time is shorter.

Traditional washing machines do not tumble your clothes.

In terms of purchasing costs, they are the less expensive option, as compared to HE models.

Energy efficient washing machines

Energy efficient and the best energy rating washing machines have a larger laundry capacity. You can fit a greater amount of clothes and finish cleaning them in fewer washing cycles.

The new models use less water. A traditional washing machine uses around 23 gallons per wash, while an energy efficient one uses 13 gallons.

They have a wider variety of washing programmes for different articles of clothing and with different time lengths.

These washing machines use energy efficiently and consume, on average, 280 kWh of electricity. They can reduce your costs and energy bills.

Also, if you want to buy an HE washing machine, you may want to take a look at an HE detergent. These products may work better, especially for cold water (dissolve easily and faster than conventional laundry detergents).

Tips to reduce energy

When speaking of the best energy rating washing machine, it’s important to mention the notion of energy conservation.

This term refers to measures that reduce energy consumption by using less of an energy service. For instance, reducing the heat while you are not at home is a measure of energy conservation.

Besides switching to energy efficient electronics and appliances, there are other ways to use energy efficiently and reduce electricity bills.

Think of your clothes. During the cold season, wear winter clothes to keep you warm. This doesn’t mean you cannot turn on the heating, but you may not need to put it at a very high temperature.

The same goes for summer. Try and wear light indoor clothes when it’s really hot. Keep the doors open to make sure the air goes from one room to another and close the curtains to maintain a cool atmosphere.

Open the windows late in the evening and maybe leave them open for the night. Turn on the air conditioning system just when it’s necessary.

Make sure you set an appropriate temperature when you are not at home. You may want to lower or turn some utilities off for a short period of time.

How you consume the water is also essential. Sometimes, a short shower is all you need. Leave the long bath with the fragrance-free bath bombs for maybe once in a week.

Washing machine products

Best Energy Rating Washing Machine